Valerio Molinari at IBTTA’s Global Tolling Session talks about the most innovative challenges for road and motorway infrastructure
‘Sustainability and Green mobility’, this was the theme of the IBTTA Global Tolling Session being held in Athens, which saw the participation of Ecogest with a speech on ‘New road and motorway green maintenance plans to prevent and protect infrastructures from the consequences of climate change’.
The session, moderated by Emanuela Stocchi, Director of Foreign Affairs of AISCAT, was attended by Nicola Busatto, Head of Technology of CAV, John Davis, Commercial Director of ViaPlus from Ireland, Lev Pinelis, founder of ToolI Insight from the USA, Renè Moser, Head of International Affairs of ASFINAG from Austria, and Michael Halkias, from WSP USA, based in Washington.
A worldwide and prestigious audience that welcomed with great interest the speech by Valerio Molinari, Ecogest’s reference shareholder and founder of the Climate Change Studies Centre, at the end of a long journey that has allowed the Ravenna-based company to acquire a now recognised role in the study and in-depth analysis at an international level on the issues of climate change and its effects and consequences on the state of health of the infrastructure system.
“The new challenge we are working on,” said Molinari in the most significant part of his speech, “concerns the ability to apply new technologies, including artificial intelligence, to traditional highway infrastructure maintenance techniques, starting with the maintenance and management of green areas, rethinking programmes and schemes that have now been superseded by new climate emergencies, and not being afraid of ‘change’. Innovation is the watchword of the next few years, both from a technological and conceptual point of view, even for maintenance activities that until a few years ago were classified as artisanal”.
Ecogest believes that the complete digitisation of greenery management is the real challenge of the near future. In fact, the company is committed to the development of decision-making tools that are useful both in logistics and in operational actions, which will allow it to implement choices aimed at greater sustainability towards the environment and economic optimisation of management costs.