Infrastructure Resilience
This was the theme of the session of the 50th edition of the ASECAP DAYS being held in Istanbul, which saw the participation of Ecogest, represented by its key shareholder and founder of the Climate Change Study Center, Valerio Molinari, and Antonio Stornello, representing Kassandra Partners, in the round table.
Discussing with Molinari and Stornello, in the section moderated by Alena Kostic from Slovenia, Chair of analysis and statistic at DARS, were Clara Vieira from Ascendi, Mehmet Izgi from Turkey’s ICA, Guillame Ray representing the French Egis, and Isabel Gonzales from Portugal’s motorway concessionaire BRISA.
At the centre of Molinari’s speech was the presentation, a world preview, of the study carried out by Greenway Group, the Molinari family holding company that owns Ecogest, with the collaboration of Kassandra predictive software, on some motorway keys of the Consorzio Autostradale Veneto, with respect to the current degree of resilience of the section managed by the Veneto concessionaire, and the initiatives to be undertaken to optimise resilience to the effects of climate change.
This is the first experiment of its kind that, through two years of study, from 2021 to 2023, the technical team of the Climate Change Study Centre and Kassandra, have carried out on some motorway sections, with particular reference to those that insist in the urban area of Venice and in the vicinity of the areas with the greatest environmental impact of the network managed by the CAV.
Particularly appreciated was the speech by Molinari, who outlined the history of Ecogest and Greenway Group’s commitment to the effects of climate change on motorway infrastructures, while Stornello illustrated the study’s methodologies and scientific results.
An experiment that will soon be replicated not only along other sections of the national network, but also in the rest of Europe and in Canada, where Ecogest has been operating for two years now with a company under local law that looks at the entire North American market.
The next appointment for Ecogest’s research office will be in November in Athens, where the new green maintenance programmes will be presented, adapted to the renewed needs arising from the need for European motorway concessionaires to cushion the obvious consequences of the ongoing climate change.